BEST Racing Mobile App
Exciting news - BEST Racing has gone
mobile -
it now has its own customized web app that runs on your iphone, ipad, android
and many mobile devices.
Click here to see it in action.
No need to go to Apple App Store or Android
Market Place to install,
just go to
http://www.BESTrace.com/mobile on your smart phone web browser or tablet web browser.
Or just scan QR code
To get your results after you cross the finish line , select Results, select Instant Results, select Race Name, then type in your bib # or name.
Some outstanding features include: - instance results ( run race, cross finish line, get water, get your smart phone, type in your bib #, and find out how you did. No need to huddle around screens or printed results. - email your results ( let your friends know how much better you did then they did) - find out about upcoming races from the training room (even email info to friends to get them to race with you ) - get results from as far back as 15 years. - be a race announcer from anywhere on the course What users are saying: - '. . . this is sooo cool . . .' - '. . . knew my husband just finished while I was waiting for him in our car . . .' - '. . . wow - this is so useful - got my team times results on my phone as the runners crossed the finish line so we could discuss training on the bus ride home after race . . .' - ' . . . last minute was looking for a 5K to run - found it so easy with BEST Racing Mobile app . . '
BEST Racing Systems is on of the first timing companies to provide instant race results.
How do they do that you may ask. Basically with a combination of fast custom timing software, high available wireless networks and a mobile phone application that is flexible enough to run on a wide range of mobile devices.
Copyright © 1996 - 2011
Last Updated: December 31, 2009